Session Chair Guidelines

Guidelines (for Session Chair's) to conduct session

Starting the Session :

  1. We will conduct the VLSI SoC 2020 conference over the Zoom Platform. To start the session, open the corresponding session page from VLSI SoC Website, and click on the VLSI 2020 Zoom web-conference link. (Session chairs will get co-host permission to manage the meeting)
  2. Verify the following setting for the Zoom session, 
    • Make sure to record the session.
    • To mute all participants by default, click on the Participants button, and select "Mute participants upon entry."
    • Also, make sure to untick "Allow participants to unmute themselves."
    • Click on the Security button and unselect "Enable waiting room," and click on the Participants tab and click Admit all.
  3. Each presentation will begin with, session chair introducing the Paper ID, Title, Authors, and Presenter.
    1. This information is available on the respective session page on the VLSI SoC website.
    2. The presenter name is highlighted in the Author's list, and Presenter Bio has also added int the information.
    3. Prerecorded presentation YouTube link will be available on the same page on the day of the session.
  4. The session chair can ask the presenter to identify himself by replying in the chatbox, "I am Presenting this paper," The session chair can unmute this participant during the Q&A session
  5. The session chair will play the pre-recorded presentation and share screen during the entire session. 
  6. Before starting screen sharing, click on the small up arrow next to the "Share screen" button and select "Advanced Sharing options" Ensure the following configuration:
    1. One participant can share at a time.
    2. Who can share: All participants
    3. Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing: "Only host"
  7. Close the dialog box and click on "Share Screen" on main windows, Select the correct screen (in case of multiple screens) and make sure "Share computer sound" and "optimize screen sharing for video clip" options are selected.

During the session:

  1. The mic and camera status of each participant is shown on the right-side. You can mute or stop video sharing from any participants using these options. (Hover the mouse over the participant and click on the More button to see the options)
  2. If some participant is sharing his/her screen and you want to disable that, click on the More button and select "Stop Share." (This is particularly useful when changing who is presenting)
  3. You can always mute all participants by clicking on Mute all (maintaining your mic state)
  4. At the end of the pre-recorded presentation session chair will monitor the questions in the chat window and ask selected questions to the presenter. (Make sure to unmute the presenter to reply to the questions)

Finishing the session 

  1. At the end of the session, stop screen sharing, then click on the "stop recording" button available at the bottom on the Zoom screen.  
  2. Session chair can leave zoom meeting by clicking on end -> leave meeting (No need to "End meeting for all"), so that participants can continue to the next session 
  3. Upload the recorded .mp4 file on the google form with a session selection. VLSI SoC Recorded Session Submission Form